
   Our inspiration

     Raobahadur Ganpatrao Kenjale


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Kenjale and Pophale Associates has taken all reasonable care, diligence and precaution to make all data as accurate as possible. Kenjale and Pophale and its representatives, however, do not hold any responsibility for the correctness or accuracy of the data. The schematics and site maps provided on the site are a fair representation of the information and have been specially made for Kenjale Pophale Assocates. Kenjale Pophale Assocates its employees and representatives shall not be liable for any loss or damage of any kind whatsoever arising out of the use of data provided.

Kenjale Pophale Assocates has the right to display, publish electronically and distribute all of the data shown on the site, but shall not be liable in any manner/ for any loss and/ or damage and/ or claims in relation to accuracy, intellectual property violation or breach of any laws or regulations applicable to the use, display and/ or distribution of the data available on its web site.

Under no circumstances whatsoever, shall Kenjale Pophale Assocates or its Directors, employees, agents or representatives be liable for damages of any kind whatsoever that are alleged to have resulted from the use of the site, including any data/ information contained therein. Even if Kenjale Pophale Assocates and or any of its Directors, employees or representatives have been notified of the possibility of potential loss and damages, the terms of the aforesaid paragraph remain applicable.